Get Right Physio

Physiotherapy for Clients Suffering From Low Back Pain

Find Relief From Low Back Pain With Get Right Physio

Have you been experiencing pain between your ribs and buttocks? You might be suffering from low back pain, a common injury that can affect people of any age.


After consulting a doctor and receiving an accurate diagnosis, the next step to overcoming or treating low back pain is to visit a physiotherapist in Toronto like Get Right Physio. At Get Right Physio, our therapists are highly knowledgeable and are experts at crafting client-specific physiotherapy programmes for those with low back pain.


You can arrange an appointment with us today and learn strategies to tackle your lower back pain effectively.

What Is Low Back Pain?

Low back pain affects the area from the bottom of your ribs to your buttocks and may vary from dull aching sensations to shooting or radiating pains. In most cases, low back pain falls into one of the following categories: acute, subacute, or chronic.


Acute pain lasts for a short period, while subacute can last for several weeks or months. Chronic low back pain refers to pain that prevails for more than 12 weeks or occurs on a daily basis.


Low back pain can also be described as mechanical or radicular. Mechanical pain results from trauma to or the overuse of bones, muscles, ligaments, or joints, while radicular pain is caused by nerve damage.

How Do We Use Physio for Low Back Pain?

Physiotherapy is instrumental in treating clients with low back pain and is widely used alone or combined with other treatments to improve symptoms and rehabilitate affected areas. To increase your odds of completing a full recovery, you’ll need to start physiotherapy as soon as it’s deemed safe by your doctor.


On your first visit to Get Right Phsyio, one of our physiotherapists will carry out a wide range of relevant assessments to identify possible causes of your lower back pain, pinpoint painful areas and positions, and check for range of motion and muscle tone. 


When your therapist has evaluated your presenting symptoms, this information will be used to construct a suitable treatment plan. 


This programme will typically consist of low-intensity aerobic, strengthening, and stretching exercises and will also touch on lifestyle choices to consider implementing to relieve and prevent pain. We’ll also give you the chance to book your classes at your house or condo, in a hospital, long-term care facility and or a retirement home.


Your physiotherapy sessions will focus on achieving the following objectives:


  • Reduce and, where possible, eliminate pain in the lower back
  • Strengthen muscles that have become weakened
  • Return the affected area to full function
  • Maintain correct posture

Benefits of Physiotherapy for Clients With Low Back Pain

Low back pain can, in most cases, be successfully rehabilitated with physiotherapy, and there are numerous benefits to attending physiotherapy.

During physiotherapy sessions, your therapist will work with you on exercises that encourage the injury site to regain full mobility, allowing you to move freely and comfortably again. This will ensure you can continue your day-to-day tasks without giving up your independence.


Your therapist will teach you how good posture and correct lifting techniques can prevent further damage to the lower back. After you’ve completed your physiotherapy sessions, maintaining these habits will help you reduce the risk of a reoccurrence.


For many clients, physiotherapy alone is enough to ease and eventually mitigate symptoms of low back pain, meaning you won’t need to rely on medication to minimize your discomfort and pain.

Frequently Asked Questions

As is the case with many injuries, it’s challenging to determine an exact timeline for low back pain recovery, as it depends mainly on the type, severity, duration, and cause of the pain.


For many clients, the pain often subsides within 12 weeks or less, and some people even find just a few sessions are sufficient for them. If you’ve been experiencing pain for longer than 12 weeks, alternative treatments may be used in conjunction with physiotherapy, and you may require sessions for several months.

Lifestyle choices can have a significant impact on your likelihood of preventing and easing low back pain. Injuries of this nature often result from everyday occurrences like sitting in a poorly designed desk chair, improper posture, and overuse of bones, muscles, and ligaments during work or sport. 


Ensuring you maintain a healthy weight, eat well, exercise frequently and get ample sleep can also minimize the risk of developing low back pain.

A combination of aerobic, stretching, and strength-training exercises are central to managing and reducing low back pain.


There are plenty of exercises to help with low back pain, and below are a few examples:


  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Wall sits
  • Press-up back extensions
  • Knee rotations

Although you might think resting your back is the best way to allow low back pain to ease, keeping active helps the area stay mobile, improve strength, and maintain flexibility when done so with caution. You should consider aerobic exercise, which can also stimulate blood flow and speed up the healing process.


While it’s generally safe to complete gentle exercises with low back pain, it’s vital you consult your physiotherapist first, as they can guide you on the most useful and appropriate movements.

Alleviate Low Back Pain With the Help of Get Right Physio's Licensed Therapists

If you’ve recently found yourself struggling with low back pain, let our physiotherapists at Get Right Physio help you get back on your feet through a series of informative and effective physio sessions personalized for your needs.


Through low-impact aerobic exercises, targeted movements to increase muscle strength and flexibility, and practical advice for safely completing routine tasks, our therapists will have you feeling rejuvenated and pain-free in a matter of weeks or months.  


Take the first leap to diminish and heal your lower back pain by scheduling a meeting with a member of the Get Right Physio team today.

Step 1

Contact us at:

Complete intake form.

Our intake specialists are waiting to assist you.

Step 2

Let us learn about you:

Speak to our client coordinator so we can understand your unique circumstances to match you with the right therapist to help you reach your goals.

Step 3

Our team comes to you!

We will book you in within 24-48 hours at a time that works best for you. Our therapist shows up at your door with everything needed to get you closer to your health, mobility and client-centred goals!

Contact Us To Book Appointment!

*Extended health benefits can be used for in-home physiotherapy

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See our Privacy Policy for details on how we handle your information. We never share or sell your opt-in information.

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